Thursday, December 19, 2019

Strategy Book Reviews and Five Product Strategy Plans

Strategy Book Reviews and Five Product Strategy Plans The goal of this paper is to provide key insights and concepts from three strategy books and then begin the strategy planning process for five different products. The three books shy away from advocating old school Porter’s concepts and instead recommend strategic innovation since modern market environments are dynamic. Book 1: Thinkers 50 Strategy Crainer and Dearlove (2014) discuss the evolution of strategy concepts from early military strategists (Sun Tzu) to more recent influential works such as Michael Porter’s ‘Five Forces’, Gary Hamel and C.K. Prahalad’s resource-based ‘Harmonic Strategy’, Richard D’Aveni’s new 7-S framework for hypercompetition, W. Chan Kim and Renà ©e†¦show more content†¦1). Book 3: The Power of Strategy Innovation Johnston and Bate (2013) cover the need for ‘Strategy Innovation’ and provide several examples of successful large corporations (Walmart, General Electric, IBM) that started small and later dominated their industry through innovation, they define strategy innovation as the shifting of a corporation’s business strategy in order to create new value for both the customer and the corporation (chapter 1, para. 5). Johnston and Bate (2013) mainly detail a five phase strategy innovation process (‘Discovery Process’), consisting of staging, aligning, exploring, creating and mapping phases, to enable organizations to discover and create road maps to new business opportunities on their strategic frontiers (chapter 4, The Five Phases section). Product #1: Corn A corn farmer in the commodities market chiefly sells quality corn to large food grain and cattle feed wholesalers, the snacks industry and possibly the ethanol industry. Corn is in an investment heavy, volume based business with seasonally varying prices, stiff competition and other risks such as drought and unfavorable export regulations. Monsanto is a chief seed supplier since it specializes in developing genetically engineered crops that can withstand herbicides and ward off insects (Gillam, C., 2014, April 2). Building a market strategy for this product would involve reviewing the following book chapters: †¢ Crainer and Dearlove’sShow MoreRelatedPatent Strategies Like Evergreening Differently Impact The Developing World1227 Words   |  5 PagesPrasad Patent strategies like evergreening differently impact the developing world. The practice of evergreening not just refer to extending the original patent, but also includes strategies and practices used to protect a cluster of related, but unoriginal, technologies through the filing of secondary applications. 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